Saving for Retirement

Investing Tips

5 Low Risk investments guaranteed to yield high returns

Investing is pretty much like gambling – you could either win or lose. Of course, losing money is the last thing any investor will want, but the sad truth is that it does happen. While putting in money in extremely low investment options like saving bonds may seem like a good fit, they are rarely worth the stress. Here are 5 low-risk investments sure to provide a valuable return.

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How to SavePersonal Finance

How to Know When to Retire

Deciding when and how to retire in advance can reduce some of the struggles, stress, and anxiety that you will unavoidably face. So, it is best for you to start considering your retirement date as early as possible. Asking questions like: What are the things I need to set in place before taking the decision? What factors should be considered before going ahead with it? are some of the first steps toward planning your retirement.

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How to SavePersonal Finance

UK Pensions: What is Auto Enrollment in the UK?

In the past, many workers in the UK missed benefiting from a valuable pension because either their employer didn’t offer them one or if they failed to apply for the company’s pension scheme. Automatic enrollment ensures that this does not happen. Automatic enrollment is an initiative undertaken by the government of the United Kingdom to assist more workers to save money for later life through a pension scheme.

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